Search Packages
Our search packages are custom-designed to meet the specific needs of different businesses and industry segments. This gives you a head-start on designing a package that meets your particular needs. We begin with a package that targets your industry and then add and subtract search elements until you are happy with the results. Often, clients can use an existing package without any alteration!
Below is a list of typical packages, grouped by industry and their sub-segments. All our packages can be fully customized to meet your screening needs.
Click on the industry title to see the description. Click again to close it.
Safety and security is of particular importance in the Transportation industry, since the safety and even the lives of so many depend on the reliability and competence of the people to operate and maintain our highways, rail, seaways, and airways, and even the pipelines which carry oil and natural gas. For this reason, the federal government closely regulates the standards of workplace safety for this industry.
If your company conducts business within the Transportation industry, you are concerned both with reliable operation and with adhering to the regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation and other federal and state regulatory agencies. We constantly monitor new legislation and regulations to ensure that our clients are employing the appropriate screening technology and databases to maintain compliance.
As important as avoiding fines and restrictions from regulatory violations is avoiding potential litigation, fraud, theft, and workplace violence. A transportation screening solution shows that you exercise due diligence and caution, which helps to insulate your company from potential liability risks.
Our Transportation Industry Packages can be fully tailored to your needs and may include:
- Social Security Number Validation
- Social Security Number Trace
- Credit Report
- Education Verification
- Commercial Driver’s License Information System
- Motor Vehicle Records Check
- Previous Employment Verification
- National Criminal Search
- Statewide Criminal Search
- Federal Court Criminal Records Search
- County Court Criminal Records Search
- National Sex Offender Registry
- Statewide Sex Offender Registry
The Retail industry is especially vulnerable to the hazards of poorly vetted employees. High turnover means potential danger can always enter your workplace. Employees have access to cash, inventory, and customer financial information, and are often responsible for the safety of customers and the security of retail or warehouse locations. The temptation for fraud and theft is high; carefully screening is necessary to avoid shrinkage and insure workplace security and safety.
Our Retail Industry Packages thoroughly search databases for information that reveals potential dangers in an applicant’s past. Databases searched can be customized and may include:
- Credit Report
- Social Security Number Validation
- Social Security Number Trace
- Previous Employment Verification
- Education Verification
- National Criminal Search
- State Criminal Search
- County Court Criminal Records Search
The economic challenges facing our nation have created particular problems for landlords and residential property managers. Tenants who have lost jobs and income have found themselves unable to meet their contractual agreements; turnover in rental units has skyrocketed and those who have lost homes through mortgage problems are seeking new places to live.
Experience shows that previous rental experience is an accurate predictor of future rental behavior. But simply being presented with raw search data, like eviction records, previous landlord inquiries and court actions, is complicated to interpret for untrained individuals.
The Landlord/Tenant Screening takes the raw data and analyzes it using sophisticated search logic, resulting in a thorough and easy-to-read report that helps landlords make decisions about potential tenants. And since many tenant decisions have to be made quickly, clients have access to instant eviction record searches that access records either locally (in a single state) or across the nation.
Our Landlord/Tenant Package may include credit, criminal and residence histories, plus Instant Eviction searches and can be further customized to meet your needs.
In no other industry do we place our trust, even our lives, as much as we do to health care professionals. The physical safety and health of patients are dependent on trustworthy employees. The most intimate details of our personal and financial lives are in jeopardy if they can be accessed by unscrupulous employees. The potential for negligence, abuse, criminal action and financial wrongdoing is high, so it is vital for health care employers to have a reliable system for ensuring the reliability of new hires.
In addition, patient rights legislation has imposed stringent controls on patient privacy and data security, so the element of compliance is added to an employer’s own sense of responsibility. The Health Care Packages are designed to give you peace of mind about the employees to who you grant access to data systems, buildings and secure areas, drug storage, expensive equipment and vulnerable patients.
Searches are tailored to your specific needs and may include checks for:
- Employment History
- Education Verification
- Criminal Records
- Sex Offender Search
- Nationwide Background Search
- Professional License and Certification Verification
- Nurse’s Aide Registry Check
- HHS/ Office of Inspector General’s Exclusion List Check
- Health Care Sanctions Check
- National Practitioner Data Bank Check
- Food and Drug Administration Debarment List
- Government Services Agency Exclusion List
- Health Care Integrity and Protection Data Bank Check
- FDA Disqualified Lists
Financial Services
Few employers are more vulnerable to negligent of criminal actions by bad hires than those in the financial industry. The temptation of huge amounts of cash and accesses to credit information and financial databases is extremely high. The recent scandals in the banking and mortgage sectors have made it imperative that financial services companies have reliable and respectable employees tending to the needs of their customers. The misuse and appropriation of investor and customer funds in recent years have led to increasingly strict regulation of the industry, so compliance is an issue front and center in every employer’s mind. Homeland Security and other agencies are also concerned with seeing that American dollars are not diverted or funneled into terrorist organizations, so additional regulations have been imposed.
The Financial Services Packages focus on security and fiscal responsibility in an applicant’s past. They also emphasize compliance with the Patriot Act, FFIEC and FDIC requirements, and other regulations. Searches can be customized and may include:
- Education History Verifications
- Education Verifications
- Social Security Number Validation
- Social Security Number Trace
- Credit Report
- Motor Vehicle Records Checks
- Professional Licenses Checks
- Professional References Checks
- National Criminal Searches
- National Sex Offender Registry
- Statewide Criminal Searches
- Statewide Sex Offender Registry
- County Court Criminal Records Searches
- Global Sanctions and Enforcements Searches
- Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
- Government Services Agency Exclusion
Education Services
Every day, across the nation, millions of parents entrust the safety and well being of their children to educational institutions. Even through college, students remain impressionable and vulnerable, and it is imperative that every school maintain a staff capable of maintaining a secure environment for faculty, staff, and students. This is essential for the good of the individuals involved and to preserve the reputation and integrity of the institution.
Our Education Services Packages focus on the professional and personal integrity reflected in the applicant’s background. Search packages are customized for you and may include:
- Social Security Number Verification
- Social Security Number Trace
- Education Verification
- Employment History Verification
- Criminal Records Search
- Professional Reference Checks
- Nationwide Background Search
- Motor Vehicle Reports
- Professional License and Certification Verification
- Sex Offender Search
- Global Searches
- International Background Checks
It is often difficult for those who administer non-profit organizations and corporations to think in terms of protecting themselves from dishonest or fraudulent applicants. After all, at the heart of most non-profits is a standard of service and trust.
This very trusting nature can make non-profits vulnerable to exploitation by deceptive individuals. Not only are their own assets at risk, but the individuals and agencies they serve are often in positions of vulnerability. Particular caution must be taken in screening potential employees and volunteers for placement in these positions of trust. One disastrous incident can endanger an organization’s reputation for trustworthiness.
Our Non-Profit Packages can help protect your organization and your reputation. Searches are tailored to your needs and may include:
- Social Security Number Validation
- Social Security Number Trace
- Previous Employment Verification
- Education Verification
- Credit Report
- Motor Vehicle Reports
- Volunteer Check
- National Criminal Search
- Statewide Criminal Search
- County Court Criminal Records Search
- National Sex Offender Search
The gaming industry is big business in the United States. It is not restricted to Las Vegas or Atlantic City: 19 states have casinos and card clubs of one for or another and 28 states have Native American gaming enterprises on Indian reservations or tribal land.
In any environment where such huge amounts of cash change hands, the temptation for criminal activity is enormous. Casinos must not only weed out applicants with criminal histories but also identify those who have exhibited risky behavior or relevant financial difficulties that might lead them astray.
The Gaming Packages are designed to maintain standards that protect against potential fraud and theft. Customized searches may include:
- Social Security Number Validation
- Social Security Number Trace
- Credit Report
- Previous Employment Verification
- Education Verification
- National Criminal Search
- Statewide Criminal Search
- County Court Criminal Records Search
Other Options
In addition to these major industry categories, we offer coordinated searches in categories such as:
- Childcare
- Comprehensive (all databases)
- Construction / Manufacturing
- Domestic Services
- International (250 countries)
- Pre-Employment Screening
- Subcontractor / Supplier / Vendor
See the Search Descriptions page for a description of the individual searches that may be ordered.